CE028 - The Black Watch Pipes & Drums

This magnificent 13 figure set is an economic way to build a band.


This magnificent 13 figure set, laid out in its own large box contains the following...

1 x ‘Drum Major’
6 x ‘Pipers’ (which includes a ‘Pipe Major’)
2 x ‘Tenor Drummers’
1 x ‘Bass Drummer’
3 x ‘Side Drummers’

Points to note, all six Pipers wear the ‘Royal Stewart’ tartan and the black doublet jacket. All drummers and the Drum Major wear the regiment’s scarlett tunics and the traditional ‘Black Watch Government Tartan’

Although K&C has produced this 13-man set most military ‘pipes & drum’ bands are actually larger... Anywhere from 8-16 pipers and 4-6 side drummers which is why we have also made available...

Scale: 1/30
Material: Pewter alloy
Released Date: May 2021

More Information
Years Early 21st Century, Late 20th Century, Mid 20th Century, Early 20th Century, Late 19th Century
Gender Men
Role Musicians, Officers & Leaders
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